Supplier Portal

Our system automatically scans for errors such as incomplete bids, duplicated vendor profiles, and other common errors.

  • Asset 112Registration
  • Asset 113Registration
  • Asset 72Ebidding
  • Asset 114Registration

How to Register

  • Asset 22arrow
  • Asset 22arrow

Asset 171 Select An Entity

Navigate to the public portal of the entity where you would like to register. 

Asset 182 Click Register

On the front page you will see an option to register as a supplier. Follow the multi-step process to register. 

Asset 193 Get Notifications

Select the appropriate commodity codes and contact information to start receiving bid opportunity notifications.


At times, our clients ask us to reach out to suppliers who are familiar with our solutions and invite them to register with their agency. At their request, and as a courtesy to companies like yours, we will send a mass email notifying you to register. Fill out the form below to be added to the email list.

Submit an Issue

Our standard operating expectation is that our clients receive initial support requests, email, and/or calls from suppliers, as most questions are related to the specifics of doing business with our client or relate to a specific solicitation.  Clients can escalate supplier issues to IWT Support.


We will do our best to either answer your questions and/or forward your issue to the appropriate agency. 

Ion Wave is dedicated to its clients and their suppliers. All messages will be reviewed and responded to as soon as possible.