Sourcing & RFPs

Our system automatically scans for errors such as incomplete bids, duplicated vendor profiles, and other common errors.

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Asset 9Competition Improve Competition

When bidders are not burdened with printing, packaging, and shipping documents; they can focus more on the bid and increase their competitiveness.

Asset 7collaborate Deeper Collaboration

Easily respond to supplier questions submitted through the system. You have full control over who can see the questions and answers.

Asset 8Target Reduce Errors

Comprehensive validation ensures your system has quality data, including automatic error checking of supplier responses prior to submission.

solicitation management


Ion Wave’s Bidding Module allows you to build even the most complex bids with ease. You have full control over everything including the bid types, bid attributes, required information, and so much more. 

  • Asset 74Templates
  • Asset 75Templates
  • Asset 76Bid Invitation
  • Asset 31Supplier Messaging

electronic bidding software


With built in communication tools, our bidding system brings buyers and suppliers closer together. Suppliers are automatically notified by commodity code about relevant bid opportunities.


Ion Wave’s Bidding Module allows you dictate what information you receive and the format you receive it in. This amount of customization ensures that you get consistent results across all vendors allowing for streamlined comparison.

  • Asset 93Eval Response
  • RFP error checker
  • Asset 81Tabulation
  • Asset 82Tabulation
  • microsoft-excel-vector


Once the bids have been unsealed our system automatically groups and organizes the information for you. In a matter of seconds you will be able to clearly determine which suppliers are best qualified to provide you with the goods and services you need. Need to dive even deeper into the results? Quickly export our smart summary into an excel document.


Our intuitive dashboard quickly shows you the response status. You will instantly know which responses are complete and which ones did not fill out all the appropriate information. Dive deeper with our Audit History functionality that shows you everything the supplier has ever done on the bid or RFP.

  • Asset 20Insights BG
  • Asset 84Analytics

Solution Overview


Choose from our suite of products to build the perfect sourcing solution for your team. 

Leverage all or part of our solution to streamline your sourcing. Using a Strategic Sourcing Solution allows you to conduct better solicitations, make data-driven decisions, and do everything up to 60% faster than traditional sourcing methods.

  • Asset 174Blue circle
  • Asset 171Blue S
  • Asset 172Blue M
  • Asset 173Blue L
  • Asset 16Customer
  • Asset 11Customer
  • Asset 24temple University

Ready to
get started?

If you are ready to join procurement teams across the nation in making more strategic sourcing decisions then you are in the right place.

  • Asset 15Customer
  • Asset 10Customer
  • Asset 12Customer


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This is my heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue etiam porta sem malesuada.
