Our system automatically scans for errors such as incomplete bids, duplicated vendor profiles, and other common errors.

  • Asset 184contracts
  • Asset 102Contract notification
  • Asset 101Contract notification
  • Asset 100Contract notification

Asset 8Target Improve Oversight

Dashboard functionality provides a quick overview of upcoming contract dates, including soon to expire contracts or certificates. Users can see key information and quickly drilldown into specific items.

Asset 12Eval cloud Centralize Information

Consolidate your contract information and documents into one online repository. If desired, contract information can also be published for public information purposes.

Asset 13Contract documents Attach Documents

Upload an unlimited number of related files for each contract.
Easily select and transfer documents from a linked bid event in Ion Wave’s Electronic Bidding module.


Setting up a contract couldn’t be more simple. Our straightforward creation process not only makes it easy to manage contracts, but it also allows you to quickly run reports on the contracts.

  • Asset 21upload docs
  • Contract-management2
  • Asset 109Contract dashboard
  • Contract-Table


A contract will never slip through the cracks again with our quick access dashboard. From the second you login you will immediately know the status of all your contracts. The ability to keep you this updated is something Excel could only dream of.


Our system will make sure you always know when your contracts are coming up for renewal or final expiration. Want to receive reminders for other events such as a milestone? No problem! Create as few or as many reminders as you would like.  

  • Asset 111Contract report
  • Asset 111Contract report
  • Asset 33Contract Notification
  • Asset 81Tabulation
  • Contract-Reports


Thanks to our straight-forward contract entry process, you will be able to fully take advantage of reporting. Quickly sort and filter information to your liking. You are able to quickly export the results to Excel.


Solution Overview

Powerful Together and Separately

Choose from our suite of products to build the perfect sourcing solution for your team. 

  • Asset 174Blue circle
  • Asset 171Blue S
  • Asset 172Blue M
  • Asset 173Blue L
  • Asset 16Customer
  • Asset 11Customer
  • Asset 24temple University

Ready to
get started?

If you are ready to join procurement teams across the nation in making more strategic sourcing decisions then you are in the right place.

  • Asset 15Customer
  • Asset 10Customer
  • Asset 12Customer


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This is my heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue etiam porta sem malesuada.
