Our system automatically scans for errors such as incomplete bids, duplicated vendor profiles, and other common errors.

  • Asset 112Registration
  • Asset 113Registration
  • Asset 114Registration
  • Asset 115Registration

Asset 12Eval cloud Streamline Registration

Suppliers easily register with the system using a step-by-step wizard format. Once registered, they can easily maintain their profile, search for events and view their past activity.

Asset 14Increase Increase Participation

Choose from a variety of methods to notify suppliers, including commodity categories, custom classifications, geography, and more!

Asset 15dashboard Centralize Information

Our supplier database is configurable to gather the data that is important to you. The system makes it easy to search, categorize and export supplier data.


It takes the average supplier a few minutes to create and register their account. Our streamlined registration process ensures accuracy as they get setup in your system.

  • Profile-Normal
  • Asset 118w9
  • Commodity-Codes
  • Asset 30Supplier Duplicate
  • Asset 30Supplier Duplicate
  • Asset 121duplicate


To ensure all of your supplier information is accurate and up to date we have setup various safeguards to ensure reliability. Our system will automatically check registering suppliers to make sure they aren’t already registered.


Displayed immediately when suppliers log in, our dashboard quickly informs users of their relevant bid information. From here they will be able to see the status and respond to their bids.

  • Asset 81Tabulation
  • my-bids
  • Asset 125Email
  • Asset 126Email
  • Asset 127Email
  • Asset 31Supplier Messaging


Once a supplier has been selected to participate in a bid they will automatically be notified. The email will include a link to the specific bid they have been invited to.


Dive deep into your data as you explore how various suppliers are using the system. Easily export all the reports into Excel and other formats.

  • Insights
  • Asset 32Supplier Award
  • Asset 84Analytics

Solution Overview

Powerful together and separately

Choose from our suite of products to build the perfect sourcing solution for your team. 

  • Asset 174Blue circle
  • Asset 171Blue S
  • Asset 172Blue M
  • Asset 173Blue L
  • Asset 16Customer
  • Asset 11Customer
  • Asset 24temple University

Ready to
get started?

If you are ready to join procurement teams across the nation in making more strategic sourcing decisions then you are in the right place.

  • Asset 15Customer
  • Asset 10Customer
  • Asset 12Customer


This is my heading

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This is my heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue etiam porta sem malesuada.
